Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mini Caramel Apples

I dont know about you but I love this time of year. Cool crisp air, Beautiful color changes in the leaves and best of all Apples and plenty of them. The other day while talking to my cousin she mentioned something apple caramel apples and how she makes mini ones for her kids. I thought wow what a great idea she really might be on to something. Now she mentioned just making very basic caramel apples but I thought due to the size you could easily coat them in a wide variety of toppings. So without further ado here is my version of mini caramel apples.

Mini Caramel Apples

2-3 large apples
Either the caramel sheets cut down,magic shell caramel or you can make your own to dip in

You'll also need lollipop sticks, a melon baller and any topping you can think of or just eat them plain they are great either way!

First wash your apples and pat them dry. Scoop out as many balls with your melon baller insert a stick into the skin side and put them on a tray lined with wax paper. Sprinkle a little lemon juice on top to prevent browning. Once completed balling out all the apples pop them in the freezer for 10 minutes til they harden a bit. Prepare your caramel and any toppings you need. Remover from freezer and pat the apple with a paper towel to remove excess moisture and dip into caramel and then toppings and place into little candy wax papers or just put them back on your wax lined tray. Repeat until done. You can also dip them in chocolate or peanut butter the choice really is up to you. Oh and what do do with the remaining apple. Pop it in a juicer for some nummy apple juice or make some homemade potpourri by boiling it onthe stove top with some cinnamon and cloves. Just leave simmering on low for a days worth of autumny goodness scents.

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